
Prompt: 219

It was a curious thing, Fleur concluded, that she and her husband would become parents to two children, with a third on the way (the thought of which made her smile yet again) all the while less than a year into their marriage.

Teddy was in many ways to be expected.

Andromeda's health had been declining ever since losing her husband, and the death of her daughter only quickened it. She stayed strong though, caring for her grandson long enough for Harry to put himself back together, (with help from a devoted wife and loyal friends of course). When Andy passed, Fleur knew that Harry would take his godson in, she would not have it any other way, it was her husband's loving heart that captured her own.

The shock was a few months later, right as she was settling into their new routine, Harry came into their home with a child in his arms. A pale, sickly little girl with hauntingly familiar eyes. As her husband wrestled with himself about what to do with the daughter of his greatest enemy, she already know what his answer would be. Harry had spoken of his childhood and its similarities to Riddle's, he would not let an innocent child suffer the sins of the father.

And so Delphi Potter joined their little family. And as soon as her love returned from his work as an Auror, she would be informing him about the soon to be third child of theirs.