
Prompt: 59

Prompt: Fey Harry and his Fae Bride British Isles are inhabited by more than humans. Fae have coexisted with humans for millennia, interacting with men, preying on them, tricking them and marrying them. Numerous old magical families have Fae blood in their veins. Such families are often very closely bound to the land they live on. The Potters, living near the river Derwent, are one such family. In times past, the Potter of Potters made a pact with the Fae ruling the surrounding area. Through the bonds of matrimony, the Fae and the Potters would be bound to the surrounding land. Every generation of Potters since then felt an amazing sense of belonging there, the desire to take care of the countryside.

Every few generations it would seem a Potter would marry a local hedge witch, always very beautiful, with a temper and talented with magics concerning nature. In fact, every few generations, when the bond would grow weaker, a new Potter-Fae binding would take place, both sides vowing in perpetuity to guard the other, provide for each other and strengthen their ties. The bond grew quite weak in James’ generation, so he was approached as a young man by the local Fae. Yet he was already in love with Lily and the Fae quickly grew to love Lily too. The ancient pact was renewed, both parents, scared by the ongoing war, agreed to the future marriage between their sons and the daughter of the current local Fae matriarch.

Voldemort attacked the Potters’ hiding place, away from their real home, and murdered James and Lily, yet failed when he turned his wand on Harry. Thanks to Dumbledore, Harry was spirited away to the Dursleys and protected as well as hidden.It is at Hogwarts that the local Fae, House Elves, recognize Harry and arrange a meeting between the Potter Fae and Harry in the Forbidden Forest, near a sacred Oak. There, the Fae earn Harry’s trust and tell him of his family. He learns he is far from alone, having many Fae cousins and meeting his bride-to-be. He is enchanted by her beauty and her protectiveness, she intends to uphold the old accords and is happy that her intended is alive and going to be healthy. They continue to meet in secret and grow to become fast friends. Harry learns from his own family, perhaps even more than people should. Yet they need a plan for Harry and his bride to meet publicly. A long term plan is arranged, his future bride, Blodeuyn Gwyn is enrolled at Beauxbatons under a false name and political pressure by various Fae and human allies is applied to increase international cooperation. When the Triwizard Tournament comes, it seems Harry very quickly befriended the French Champion, Fleur Delacour, in fact Blodeuyn Gwyn. They have to pretend to become friends while they have known each other for years and finally have the chance to woo each other in earnest. Of course, the world around them is not going to make their lives easy.