
Prompt: 84

Life was unfair, that is what Fleur Weasley decided. At 28 she was already a house wife and mother of 2. Just 10 years before she was a recent graduate, former Triwizard Champion and considered to be one of the fastest rising Curse breakers in the Gringotts system. Then she met Bill Weasley. The whirlwind romance and harrowing trials they went through were the things Romance books were written about... Literally they sold the rights to her Brother in Law George for one of WWW New product lines. But once the war ended much of her life would be turned upside down. With England still mildly in danger from Death Eaters attempting to get revenge, Bill would implore her to stay home in Shell Cottage, to take time off while he did the dangerous work, she soon came pregnant with their first child Victoire. She remained home and cared for her daughter for nearly 3 years, rarely seeing her husband during this time, Holidays and Anniversaries Bill would return carrying small gifts and trinkets and stories of adventure. Just as Fleur was ready to send young Victoire to spend her days with Molly Weasley while she returned to work Bill returned from on of his trips and some how like clock work impregnated her again with their second daughter Dominique. And much like clock work vanished from her life, a shadow of a husband. Fleur could count on her hands the number of consecutive weeks Bill had remained in Britain in the last decade. She honestly didn't know him any more. Victoire now 8 and Dominique 4, Fleur had attempted to return to Gringotts but the Goblin's no longer had Interest in her contract, she was trapped.

That is until her friend and psuedo in-law Harry Potter the unofficial 8th Weasley child had politely ask for her assistance in maintaining and repairing the wards of 12 Grimmauld Place. Fleur's world is changed when she works along side a man who makes time for her, who respects her opinions and her abilities as a witch.

Can Fleur resist Temptation and keep her floundering marriage alive or will she move on to a healthier future with Harry?