
Prompt: 91

Fleur and Harry are happily married, and spend their lives helping muggles in magicals in the most precarious of situations, skirting the statute of secrecy in increasingly comical ways as they continue bending the deceptions further and further so they can better help people. These increasingly tenuous excuses lead to them eventually negotiating the world's most ridiculous get-out-of-Azkaban free card: They will become the Muggle world's first real superheroes. They don new ridiculous spandex costumes, new names, and cut all visible ties with the rest of the Wizarding world to start saving the world as Mr. and Mrs. Firebird, the Fiery Heroes from Beyond the Stars.

This of course opens up a whole slew of complications, fake backstories, media attention, and ultimately an entire new way for Wizards to interact with the muggle world.

Potential scenes:

  • Harry and Fleur frantically trying to remember details about their fake home planet while a Muggle news reporter gets increasingly skeptical that they're not actually confused amnesiacs
  • Harry channeling all of his comic book knowledge in to ridiculous monologues and one-liners, and instantly getting one-upped by Fleur's seemingly supernatural ability to always have a cornier joke on hand.
  • "No need to be alarmed citizen, where we come from, Spandex is fireproof!" cue Harry theatrically saluting the concerned citizen before leaping headlong into a burning building 
  • Fleur receiving endless questions about why other planets also have a French accent
  • Gabrielle Delacour joining in on the fun as the nefarious, ice-themed Empress of the Alps. Not because she's evil, but because she things conjuring mass quantities of snowballs is fun.

This one's pretty crack, but was inspired by the much more serious "Eat Your Heart Out Robinhood" by firefawn, where Daphne is part of a secret organization of wizards who mitigate the damage to Muggle areas during natural disasters.