
Prompt: 97

Here's an idea for a Flowerpot/HarryxFleur story if anyone wants to write: Fleur is an accomplished young witch at Beauxbatons, in spite of her detractors saying she uses her looks and feminine wiles to get ahead of everyone. But the real reason is that once Fleur starts something, whether it be a book, subject or whathaveyou, she can't stop until she gets to the end. Call it persistence, stubborness, perserverance or all three, it is the reason Fleur is such a highly competent witch. When the Triwizard tournament is to be held at Hogwarts, Fleur is among those selected to join the delegation with the chance of being a champion for her school. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Fleur draws nearly all the attention from the male students (and some female) of Hogwarts and Durmstrang. Barring one: Harry Potter himself who barely gives Fleur a once over. Surprised and a little indignant at the Boy Who Lived's apparent dismissal of her, Fleur starts to do her research on everything there is to know about Harry Potter and no matter how it frustrates her, Fleur can't stop until she gets to the bottom of the enigma that is Harry Potter and she soon realises that she's starting to fall in love with Harry