
Shared Happiness

Fleur luxuriated in the afterglow of glorious lovemaking, purring like the cat that got the proverbial cream. Harry lazily kissed her shoulder and traced intricate patterns with his left hand on her hip. Maman and Papa always taught me that happiness shared is happiness doubled, thought the deliciously tired Fleur.

“Fleur, love of my life, why are you cackling?” This could go several ways.

First, let’s have the sweet, heartwarming way (MOAR FLUFF), since she is so happy being in love with Harry and wanting to make their friends also happy, Fleur decides that the logical way to do that is to play Cupid/Matchmaker. A sweet fic where Fleur (with Harry’s help) try to set up their friends and help them find (or rediscover) love and passion.

Second, it could go the comedic/romcom way. Basically very similar to the first, but, honestly, Fleur and Harry are many things, but renowned for their subtlety, they are most definitely not.

And then there is the third (and my favourite, to be honest) way, the crazy way. Harry and Fleur try to set up dates for their friends. The trouble is that Fleur and Harry’s idea of a date involves at least three duels to the death, an attempted assassination, trying to outrun a very angry manticore or robbing a tomb of an undead God-King.

Basically, they are both unbelievable trouble/weirdness magnets, each a Nexus of Chaos. By getting together, there was a confluence of both their auras, creating something to behold. Both their lives were weird, but together, both enjoy their lives.

For their honeymoon, thanks to their bad luck and encountering an immensely powerful artifact near a fault in Reality, they found themselves transported to a Layer of the Infernal Abyss. Neither of them were strangers to suddenly appearing somewhere else, so they were only slightly perturbed when the Demon Lord of that Layer came out, rather rudely demanding they either leave or submit. Whatever answer he was expecting, it definitely wasn’t them nodding to each other, standing side by side, drawing their wands and going on the attack. Gradually they slaughtered their way through that Layer and found a way out, outrageously flirting most of the time. The surviving denizens of that Layer are still scared out of their hide/incredibly aroused/completely awed.