
Sharing a compartment

For the TWT, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton travel on the Hogwarts Express as well. Ron and Hermione get into some sort of argument, so Harry leaves them to it and wanders the train, looking for someone else he knows. Before he can find them however, he comes across a stranger poking her head out of her compartment. She asks him where the dining car is, and Harry explains that there's only a lunch trolley. Speaking of the devil, the lunch lady appears and Fleur is dismayed that she recognises absolutely nothing on the menu, so Harry does what he did four years before and orders some of everything. From there on, Harry and Fleur share a compartment and work their way through the mountain of sweets and treats. Bonus points for Hermione showing up at some point, taking a look at Harry and his new friend before leaving with a knowing smile.