
Soaring Hearts

Fleur Delacour is descended of a Veela, and Veela magic is strong within her. She is proud of her heritage. There are few things she enjoys more than letting her wings out and flying with the wind. A free spirit, she offers smiles wherever she goes.

During a cultural exchange program, she meets a young wizard bearing many heavy burdens. Guided by her heart and moved by the sight, she offers him many of her smiles, doing her best to lighten his load. And, indeed, with her help, the wizard is able to stand straight, tall and proud, overcome the shadows of his past, and work impressive magics. He finds his way to her heart.

Harry Potter was a child scarred by tragedy, pursued by dark shadows, and burdened with grief. While learning magic, he makes friends, rivals, and encounters enemies new and old. During a cultural exchange program, he meets a free-spirited Veela, her smile infectious, her eyes blue as the skies which she crossed on her silver wings. She approaches him, offering him smiles, encouragement, and a sympathetic ear. He admires her, wishing to be as free as she is, but knows he is bound to the Earth, and burdened by many threats. Still, he is determined, with the help of his friends and inspiration, to overcome.

He falls for the Veela, hard. And it is this love, and the Veela's gentle support, that enables Harry to emerge victorious, and for the first time in his life, to stand straight.

He sets a new goal for himself. Learn magic, and if there is none that would help him, to work magics new, to gain wings, to be able to fly.

So that Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour can dance together amidst the clouds, their hearts soaring, full of love.