
Star Wars AU Idea

Star Wars AU Idea: Anakin gets sent to Mustafar before storming the temple and instead the 501st and Coruscant Guard enact Operation Knightfall without him. Obi Wan gets Anakin's location from Padme and goes to Mustafar to find him having murdered the Seperatist leaders. He convinces Anakin to come back to the light and they go to confront Palpatine, but Palpatine sets a trap and uses the 501st on them. He distracts and separates them by sending the Coruscant Guard after Padme and Anakin leaves Obi Wan to try and rescue her. Yoda goes after Palpatine as well and saves Obi Wan from Palpatine, but can't fight him and protect Obi Wan at the same time and has to flee. Anakin gets to Padme and saves her, but she is mortally wounded by the Coruscant Guard in the escape. They flee to Polis Massa where Padme gives birth and then dies from her injuries leaving Anakin, a man who had no father of his own, to be the father and sole parent of his two children. He breaks down under the stress and takes a step back from the Galactic stage, leaving the resistance against the new Empire to others while he does his best to raise Luke and Leia on his own, and to hide them from the horrors of war. He teaches his children about rhe force as best he can, but he mostly focuses on them remaining in control of themselves and hiding from the Empire rather than fighting against it. Obi Wan takes a more active role in the rebellion, and it isn't until he is killed that Anakin finally steps out of the shadows once again.