
Strange Bedfellows

The sphere of influence of the Revenant Kingdom is ever growing. Undead, fearless armies topple kings and emperors. And the Dark Lord Voldemort, Master Necromancer, leading the Council of Power over Death, grows ever stronger. His followers evoke such dread that their names are used to frighten children. Fenrir, leading the Commandos of Second Death, Walden, the leader of the Reanimators, the Carrow twins, leading the Spiritualists, Bellatrix, the leader of Emotion Thieves, and Severus, the Leader of the Masters of the Mind, each dread Master commanded a legion of followers.

Despite the overwhelming forces and victory after victory of the Revenant Kingdom, there was resistance. Individuals determined to fight found their way. And so an unlikely fellowship gathered, united in purpose. Harry, an orphan accepted into one of the Monasteries of Busotam, inhabited by warrior monks devoted to protecting the people from unnatural forces, training their mind, body and magic from youth to be strong and flexible. Ronald, the last survivor of his family, found by a guild of monster hunters, using a variety of weapons, potions and magical enhancements to help them fight monsters inhumanly strong and fast. Hermione, a wild-looking mage devoted to studying necromancy and spells binding demons to this plane of existence, and dispelling and banishing them with extreme prejudice. And finally, Fleur, a veela witch, the only survivor of her forest, her sisters slain and made into unwilling soldiers of the Revenant Kingdom. Carrying the legacy of her clan, having accepted the flames of her kin into her heart and sworn to destroy the necromantic kingdom.

This fellowship operates within the Revenant Kingdom’s borders, dodging patrols, looking for vulnerable targets, and gathering intelligence, witht heir ultimate aim of destroying the entire kingdom.