

So, I discovered 'Sudowrite' recently and it's kinda magic. Definitely the best natural language AI I've seen so far. One of its experimental abilities is to take a prompt or summary and turn it into a scene of a few hundred words. For example: Fleur Delacour breaks into the Ministry of Magic in the dead of night. After stealing a time-turner from the Department of Mysteries, she is confronted by Harry before she can escape. Becomes... [4:14 PM] Fleur crept through the dark Ministry of Magic, her heart pounding in her chest. She had done it. She had stolen the time-turner. She was about to leave when she heard a voice behind her.


It was Harry Potter.

Fleur turned to face him, her heart racing. "How did you know?"

"I could hear you coming from a mile away," Harry said. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I cannot let you stop me," Fleur said, trying to sound braver than she felt.

"I don't want to stop you," Harry said. "I want to help you."

"You are lying," Fleur said. "You are trying to trick me."

"I'm not," Harry said. "You can trust me, Fleur."

Fleur looked at Harry, wondering if she could really trust him. Her mind went back to what Professor McGonagall had told her. "Listen to your heart, because it will always tell you the truth," she had said. Fleur knew that she could not trust her head or her ears, but her heart would be able to tell her the truth, wouldn't it?

"Tell me the truth, Harry," Fleur said. "Why do you want to help me?"

"Because I know what it's like to be in your position," Harry said, his green eyes boring into hers. "I'm here to help you escape."

"Why do you want to help me?" Fleur said, not letting go of his gaze. "Is it because of what happened in the maze?"

Harry nodded. "I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love."

Fleur thought back to the night that she had met Bill. He had been a handsome young man with fiery red hair and a charming smile. He had been charming and sweet, and Fleur had fallen for him just like that. She had loved him too, and when he died, she had been devastated. She had felt like she was in a living hell. And then there was what happened with Gabrielle. Her little sister had been killed by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, right in front of her eyes. It had been the most painful thing that Fleur had ever experienced, and she did not wish to experience anything like that ever again. That was why she was planning to escape into the past. She was going to make sure that none of the events that caused her pain would ever happen.