
Taken by the Fae

Normally, Harry would have been found outside the Dursley’s door one morning. Normally, he would have been beaten and starved and forced to work at though he was a slave. Normally, he would have grown up not knowing he was special until he turned 11 and got his Hogwarts letter. This, however, is not a normal situation. Instead of growing up this way, he was taken by the fae and has grown up as a changeling. Now 10 years later (14 years later if starting at TWT) he has returned to the world of his birth. Let us see what the world of the wizards make of him now.

Here are the rules that thine must follow.

There shalt be no usage of foul language. The worst word used by J. K. Rowling was B~~~~ a single time during a very emotional moment. You are to hold thine self to this standard.

There shalt be no man in a relationship with another man nor shall there be any woman in a relationship with another woman. This means no Sirus/Remus and no Draco/Harry. This overcrowds most fanfics that I see and as such have I have decided to forbid it.

There shalt be no fewer than 100,000 words when the work is finished. A good standard to adhere to is to have 5,000-8,000 words a chapter, though that is not required.

There shalt be no sexual activity beyond kissing which appears at any time. This needs to be safe for work. You may however allude to such things happening so long as the act itself is not shown.

There shalt be no harem of any sort. The most amount of people someone is to ever be paired with is 2.

Fleur, Luna, and Hermione must all become/remain friends with Harry with the possibility of one of them even being paired with him.

Harry is not to have every possible inheritance an power at the beginning. If he is to obtain that then he must earn it. He can’t just be handed it. He may however start with Potter lordship, heir Black, and Peverell lordship if you so desire.

Harry shall not be of evil mind. He can be dark, just not evil.

The Tri-Wizard Tournament must occur.

Harry must go to Hogwarts during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He can even be summoned at the selection if you so desire. He does not have to be there permanently for any other years. Though he still must show up at Hogwarts every year after he first arrives at Hogwarts even if he leaves almost immediately after.

Harry is fully fae with all benefits and downfalls that this includes. Most notably that he is weak to cold iron and that any food that he makes will put anyone who is not a fae will be put into a trance.

Beyond this, you are free to do as you wish.

Feel free to do drabbels as well.