
The Eternal Battle between Light and Darkness

"You foolsie fool Potter. There is a battle that we are a mere smidgen of. A battle that makes the waves which shapes our very being. And these waves are our battles." Even five years after Harry Potter won the war against Voldemort, the Dark Lords final words continue to haunt him as he rises through the ranks of the rebuilt Auror Department. Yet in the year 2002 whispers of a new war unsettle the wizarding population to it's very core as the dark omens continue to mount. A disturbing rise in suicides among Seers, Inferni walking across Romania and the modern battlefields in the middle east as the muggle War on Terror begins to run it's destructive course. And as a magical Task Force with Harry at the helm lead the fight against the the emerging threat takes up the fight, they'll find themselves conforted by a new Dark Lord that seems to push the likes of Voldemort and Grindlewald into the shadows. Bahl'al "The Severed". (a Harry Potter and Myth crossover, though not a complete fusion) (would be either a Harry/Fleur, Harry/Daphne, Harry/Susan or Harry/Fleur/Daphne pairing)