
The Knight with the Spark

“Thou mayest doubt the depth
of the see. 
Thou mayest doubt the permanence of stars. 
But never doubt my love for Thee.” 

Veela Lady Iskra to her Knight, Sir Dragomir Krum, before proceeding to incinerate a coven of vampires trying to move into her and Dragomir’s lands. What is this? It can be a prompt for a historical fic, taking place cca 1490? Could take place around Wallachia. They’d have an epic romance including defending their lands from vampires, feral werewolves and Turks.

But, it could be something very rarely touched in HP fanfic. Theater, drama, a wizarding play. So many times in fics, they mention wizarding culture, but include so little of actual culture. Let this be a theatre play, a drama, a romance, maybe a tragedy?

Why not both?