
The Little Bundle

“Fleur,” Her father said gently, gesturing at the other two people in the room, “I’d like to introduce you to some people.”

Fleur glanced at the two adults, standing across the low coffee table from her parents. The man stood tall, taller than her dad, messy black hair framing hazel eyes, hidden behind large, round glasses. The woman standing next to him had pretty red hair, and bright green eyes. She smiled warmly at the little girl, sitting in her mother’s arms.

But Fleur’s attention was stolen by the little bundle the woman held to her chest, that shifted a little every so often.

“Wha’s that?” She said, leaning forward and pointing at the bundle.

“Oh, this is my son, Miss Fleur.’” the red-haired woman started, her smile widening, “Do you want to see him?”

Fleur nodded, leaning forward even more as the woman moved around the table, letting Fleur get a full view of the little boy’s face as he slumbered peacefully.

“This is Harry,” the woman said proudly. Leaning down, she kissed the baby boy’s forehead softly.

The boy’s brow creased, as he let out a sleepy mumble. His eyes flickered open, and Fleur saw the prettiest green eyes staring back at her for a second, before they shut, as Harry drifted back into the grip of his dreams.

“Can I keep him?” Fleur asked earnestly.

James and Lily flee Britain for France as soon as the prophecy comes to light, taking their newborn with them. They go to ground as servants at the Delacours. From a young age, Harry knows his cover depends on his ability to serve Fleur, as her playmate, and eventually her servant.

But Harry Potter's life is never simple. Luckily from him, Fleur is Quite possessive of her favorite person in the whole world.