
The Most Expensive Night Of Her Life

Non-Magic AU. Harry James Potter, once a proudly serving soldier of her majesty's royal armed forces now a humble carpenter after an injury forces him to leave the military behind and the death of his best friend on patrol works in Neville Longbottom's builders/carpentry company. Fleur Delacour is a world famous French supermodel, at the top of her game and darling of the paparazzi with a snooty heinous prima donna attitude to match. It has been a few months since Harry took the job to do a renovation of Fleur's Hampstead home and he's just about had enough of her attitude. Fleur on the other hand can't seem to understand how or why Harry doesn't pay her a second glance or doesn't fall over himself to accommodate her every whim. On the last day of renovations, Harry receives a call from Neville telling him that Hermione who runs a charity has had a bit of snag when one of the charity's biggest patrons has decided to withdraw their support, all one million pounds of it. After the renovations are complete and the final documentation is finalised and all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed, Harry is well and truly prepared to say goodbye to Fleur Delacour and go on a much deserved holiday, but suddenly, Fleur's house is shot up by someone and the police tell Fleur that her best option is to lay low until the culprit is caught. Although her agent is insistent that this is nothing, Fleur decides that it probably would be best to lay low for a little while and when asked where she can go, Fleur decides that she can stay with Harry. Harry downright refuses until Fleur dangles the one million pounds that Hermione's charity needs. Reluctantly, Harry decides to shelter Fleur at his place and the ext morning Fleur decides to crash Harry's holiday by going with him on his houseboat along the rivera, offering to become the charity's patron.