
The Problems with PolyJuice Potions

Harry can't go five minutes without being stopped on the streets of magical London, so Muggle London has become his sanctuary. But the fear of being seen is still real.

It also makes dating hard, since every witch knows everything about him without really knowing him. And those types of relationships never work out.

So he decided to hide under a Poly-Juice Potion and go to a Muggle speed dating night at a local café. He figured it would give him a few laughs, maybe score a few numbers he'd only call if he was bored and desperate, but also it'd just give him something to do.

Now under a Poly-Juice Potion, Harry goes to the speed dating night and it's worse than he thought. Every woman here was either way too clingy or worse off than him.

Until the last one.

She was really quite stunning, but more than that she actually held his attention as they talked about random things. He didn't know how to explain it, but he felt a desire to meet her again

But also that he had somehow met her before. But he couldn't have, he'd remember a woman like this. But her mannerisms, speech, gestures?

He could swear he's seen her somewhere before

He gets her number and his week goes on, his mind not letting him forget her

Now unable to think of anything else, he texts her, asking if she's free this Friday

She says "time & place? <3"

They meet up and have their first real date. Nothing special, just dinner. But Harry feels that connection again. So at the end of the date he asks if they can meet again

So they meet up again, and again, and again. And soon, months pass

At the end of their last date, he asks if she wants to come over so he can cook her dinner, she gives him an addicting smile, and, with her accent slipping, Oui, I would love to, monsieur" before planting a quick peck on his cheek

It took Harry 2 seconds to realize who he had been dating:

Fleur freaking Delacour under her own Poly-Juice potion

Now, Harry decides to keep his identity from Fleur, not thinking she'd like being lied to. But not knowing how to tell her while keeping their 'relationship' intact

But why was she hiding under a poly-Juice potion too? Did she have the same problems as him>

And how can this relationship based off lies ever work out?