
The Ruins of Atlas

Many years ago King Huthek and Queen Titania, soulmates and king and queen of all summer fae, ruled over the entire summer court from the city of Atlan. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, Oberon attacked. This led to the beginning of the 5th Great War. Eventually, they managed to slay Oberon, but not without consequence however, as Atlan fell and they both were fatally wounded in the process. Before died, however, he set a spell upon the land that would one day allow him to return in a different form. Seeing this, Huthek and Titania together cast a spell to allow them to be reborn when the world needed them most.

Now, almost 6,000 years later, the events of this cataclysmic war have been forgotten by all but a few people, and having just recovered from Voldemort’s constant attacks, a power that has long been forgotten and memories from a time long since passed are about to be awakened in both Harry and Fleur.


Harry must be paired with Fleur.

No M/M or F/F. This is placed in a time period where that was not considered acceptable and as such the rules are written to reflect that.

At least 100k words long. You don’t actually have to do this but I would really prefer any fic from this to be at least that long. Dribbles however are a very welcome exception.

No bad words. The worst word that appeared in the entire series was b** during a very emotional moment. Hold yourself to that standard.

Anything inspired by this MUST be safe for work. This means nothing explicit. No exceptions here.

No harem of any sort. While sometimes it can work I have found that generally it just takes away from the fic as a whole.

Hermione and Luna must be friends with Harry.

Both Harry and Fleur both have fae ancestry.

Ideas & Suggestions (will be edited as I come up with more)

Perhaps somehow Harry and Fleur meet before they regain their memories.

Luna could see Harry as a brother figure.

Harry could go and retrieve things from the ruins of Atlan if he ever needs something but he might not always find what he is looking for.

Voldemort could be Oberon reincarnated.

You are welcome to replace the name Huthek with something else. I just pulled that one from a name generator.

If you come up with a drabble to post then feel free to do so. I like seeing those.