
The Weasleys and their Phlegm

In early HBP, Harry tries to spend more time with Fleur, which brings him the ire of the female Weasleys (+ Hermione, for some reason). But since he's seeking out Fleur further than in canon, the hostility is more open/focused.

Fleur brings the issue up with Bill, but he's dismissive and does not want to side against his family. Harry tells Fleur not to be too upset for his sake, he'll be back at Hogwarts in a month anyway and everything will be fine. But Fleur doesn't take kindly to a friend getting Flak, which gets her into more arguments with the Weasleys (and Hermione, for some reason). The arguments get more hostile over time, and Fleur gets more annoyed by Bill's neutrality on the matter, until the engagement is eventually called off a week or two before Harry has to leave. And as a parting shot as Fleur moves back to her flat, she invites Harry on a date. Mostly to stick it to the Weasleys, but he also had been the only one who rallied to her banner.