
Three Trials of the Veela

Scene: Three Trials of the Veela Could be part of the Affectionate Veela Harry and Fleur have been together for some time, the world around them grew increasingly dark and harsh, but they had each other and their loved ones and it was enough. They overcame the darkness. And Harry, after very careful consideration and many debates with Fleur, Apolline and Mr. Delacour (How is he gonna be named?) finally decided to propose. Just like a relationship with a Veela was far from ordinary, in many ways scary yet oh so fulfilling, Veela bonding rites were unusual. When Harry asked the important question, Fleur looked deep into his eyes, as if judging his soul, and with a serious mien nodded once.

They went to the Veela enclave from which Apolline originally came. There they announced their intent. Quickly a group of elders came and separated them. Both Harry and Fleur went through ritual cleansing and much preparation, until, after a few days, they were ready and brought into a circular arena.

There Harry and Fleur stood, facing each other and surrounded by grim looking Veela elders and hopeful young Veela. Fleur looked magnificent in white robes that did nothing to hide her lithe figure. She stood resplendent and surrounded with soft silvery glow. It was difficult to keep his wits about him when she turned her focus on him. The glow intensified, her hair seemingly moving on its own as if in a soft breeze. She started a sensuous, slow dance, her glow seeming to hit even his peripheral vision, forcing him to focus on this vision of loveliness. He had the urge to boast of having beaten some of the worst dark wizards Europe has ever produced, of driving away monsters that leave lesser men trembling.

Yet he knew no such boasting was needed, for Fleur has stood with him throughout it all. He shook his head and simply smiled at his beloved. The circle of elders all bowed their heads. “The Trial of Will you have passed.”

Now both Harry and Fleur dropped into combat stances, wands appearing in their hands. A fast and furious duel ensued, with the elders having to strain their considerable magic to protect the onlookers. The fight was truly fierce, both combatants so fast their wands seemed to blur, eldritch lightning whipping the arena. Fleur, lithe, fast and agile, fighting with grace, Harry fast, direct and brutal, hammering her with unrelenting intensity. Finally Fleur let go of her wand, feathers sprouting on her trembling arms, her lovely face gaining a sharp beak, she spread her scaly wings and, talons extended, dove for Harry. Harry didn’t waste time and prepared himself for the onslaught. Though he suffered quite a few scratches, he managed to avoid the beak and flames. Through a combination of speed, agility and technique, he brought Fleur down, both combatants panting fiercely.

Again, the circle of elders bowed their head, this time with much respect.

“The Trial of Might you have passed. The Trial of Devotion awaits.”

Both Harry and Fleur, still panting, locked gazes, Harry’s green into Fleur’s birdlike eyes. Up close, he felt Fleur’s taut muscles, yet also her soft curves. He was also painfully aware of his own hardness and knew that it would be impossible for Fleur to miss. Even transformed, Fleur was extremely desirable. As both his and her hands moved to remove what remained of their garments, Harry’s lips found a pulse point on her neck just as her incredible heat engulfed him.

As Harry and Fleur became one in a ritual both animalistic and beautiful, the Veela elders smirked knowingly. “The Trial of Devotion you have passed.” The young Veela whooped and cheered as Fleur’s beak left a bloody wound on his shoulder that seemed to hiss and burn. Yet the only thing Harry noticed was the gorgeous Veela, his gorgeous Veela, his Flower, expressing the most primal of needs. He met her and matched her move for move.

A little (SFW) continuation: The Veela elders surrounded the newly bound, happily exhausted couple and turned to the gathered denizens of the enclave. “Fleur and Harry now belong to each other. They are thrice bound!” Cheers erupted from the audience and Harry and Fleur exchanged adoring smiles. “Bound by Love!

“Love!” echoed the audience. “Love!”

Harry blushed slightly when Fleur pecked him on the cheek. Irrational, considering the show they have given them, but love is nothing if not irrational. The elders continued, “Bound by Magic!”

“Magic!” the audience echoed again. “Magic!”

A tingle went through Harry’s shoulder and Fleur too slightly shuddered. Harry well remembered the marks he himself left on her.

“Bound by Rite!” the elders’ voice boomed.

“Rite! Rite!” the audience erupted.

“Let none split the couple thrice bound. And Gods have mercy on anyone foolish enough to try! Because the Veela will show them NONE!” the last words were practically roared and Harry felt goosebumps as the audience started cheering. “NONE! NO MERCY!” the cheerful voices of the gathered Veela were a stark contrast to the message conveyed and even Fleur proudly preened. Harry would have her no other way.

A little (SFW) continuation: The Veela elders surrounded the newly bound, happily exhausted couple and turned to the gathered denizens of the enclave. “Fleur and Harry now belong to each other. They are thrice bound!” Cheers erupted from the audience and Harry and Fleur exchanged adoring smiles. “Bound by Love!