
To Reach the Stars

Harry Potter was an orphan taken in by his aunt’s family, living on one of the many colonies of Earth. The Dursley family could afford only a modest life and resented their nephew for being a drain on their finances. Especially when strange things started happening around him, they pressured him to control himself. Eventually, Harry managed that, but in secret, he kept practicing his abilities, refining some of them to a respectable degree. Still, there was no love lost between him and the Dursleys and so, once he was of age, he scrounged up what money he could, took loans and got himself access to a starship. It was an underequipped rustbucket and he was deep in debt, but now he was an independent Starship Commander, the stars were waiting. He had been driven so, because in a moment of weakness, his aunt blurted out that his parents had powers like him and were murdered. So Harry takes to the stars, both to free himself from his family and also to uncover the numerous secrets shrouding his past and future. During his adventures. He meets many people, makes friends and enemies, but the meeting standing out foremost in his memory is the vengeance driven bounty hunter, Commander Fleur Delacour of the starship Spectre of Retribution. When pursuing his enemy led him to meet up with her, both seeking the head of the same person, it was as if the universe shifted, something changed.