
Total Recall

Harry Potter's life is fine. He's got a good job in IT, drives a nice blue Astra, and his girlfriend of 4 years is both pretty and sweet. He even plays bass with Neville's band down the pub sometimes.

Could things be better? Sure. But he's happy. Well, happy enough.

When things are slow he does occasionally have the sense that maybe he really isn't. Maybe there is more to life than bad code optimization and cleaning the malware off Jim's computer.

Probably not though. He knows his life is fine.

Or it was, until he met her.

Prompt: Harry is obliviated by the Ministry after he defeats Voldemort and placed into an alternate muggle life as an IT guy. Fleur finds him and is a strong enough pull to start tearing down the memory charms.

Here's the chance you've all been waiting for for Harry Potter Total Recall / Wanted