

--She was always there. An eternal forge of hope. Even at the beginning of the retched curses foist upon him she would ignite upon his world a beacon of the life he lost. And over the eons she became more than just a reminder of the identity he struggled to keep remembering.

Like clockwork she would appear bringing light to his eternal misery and within two weeks would disappear sometimes by choice others to the eternity of the beyond.

And so Harry Potter, now Tom the Barkeep for endless millennia remains a pebble in the stream of time never to be remembered.

Such was his curse, neither can live while the other survives. Not a day goes by where Tom does not regret dabbling in magics so dangerous fairytales warn of their power.

The cloak, that which impairs the world’s memory of his existence.

The stone, bane of his identity. Denying access to those from his past.

The wand, fills him with limitless power but leaves him powerless to use it to protect.

Combined Tom the Barkeep is the Master of Death cursed to endure: beyond the whispering out of magic and the muggles existence.

Only then can the master of death find peace.

Inspired by a brilliant what if this idea from @D J Kopper which stems around Harry being cursed with immortality. The three hallows provide 3 additional curses:

  1. People don’t remember him. The moment their interaction is over, they forget Harry exists
  2. He cannot summon anyone from his past and none can ever be aware he’s actually Harry Potter
  3. He cannot fight even though he’s supremely powerful

Harry (as Tom) spends eternity as a barkeep. Diagon Alley was built around his pub.

Fleur is the love interest.

Possible reason: Fleur is actually Death. She weaves in to his life over the eons curious about him and whether he’s a worthy partner.