
Un Petit Oops

At age 35, Fleur Potter nee Delacour discovers one of the most infamous websites to exist.

She discovers....Pornhub

Harry's sex life is never the same

“What are you watching, dear?” He asked his wife.

Jerking suddenly, she smashed the screen of her laptop shut before replying innocently, “Nothing…”

Next day…

“‘Arry! Come!” Fleur called. “We need to do this one right. now

Minutes later…

“Ow. Ow. Fleur stop!” Harry begged in agony. “I can’t twist my body like that!”

"AH, you broke it!"

"Oh-la-la, pardon mon amour,” she spoke worriedly. “It will beuff out, non?"

"I'm afraid," he winced. "That from now on, you stick to the usual."

She snickered, "Stick."

"Fleur," he whined. "Too early."

Sighing disappointingly, she moved off him and left him to his miserable condition.

"Hey," he yelled.

"You just gonna leave me like this?"

Poking her head out of the bathroom, she eyed him flatly. "Well, I don't know, chéri," she shrugged. "I'm not a plumber. I can't fix a bent pipe."

He levelled an accusatory look at her. "Blame me all you want," she huffed. "You'll come back for more anyway."

Next day…

"You did what?" Harry gasped in disbelief.

Rolling her eyes, his wife continued to wash the dishes.

“‘Ow do you think I know all zat I do now ‘Arry?”

Fleur groans tiredly, rubbing her eyes, "I don't think I was in my right mind then. Because this was a mistake"

"All I did was ask Nana for...advice," she uttered, her voice betraying no guilt. "And, what happened was an accident, 'Arry."

"I still can't pi-...relief myself right," he growled.

"I know, the toilet seat seems to have remained down, as of late," she smirked. "Can't say I mind that new development."


"Easy chéri," she admonished. "You know what the Healer said. Getting upset will only lead to...uhm, le petit monsieur to get excited."

"Fuck!" He yelled.

"Not soon, anyway," she giggled.



Thinking better of it at the deadly stare coming from his wife, Harry shut his mouth. "Nothing. Can I have some tea?"

"Bien sur," she replied, the half-avian face morphing back to her human self.

Immediately After...

Fleur watched her love’s face crumple, as he seemed to shrink down on himself, eyes looking everywhere but at her.

“‘Arry?”, She asked tentatively, reaching out for him, the way he flinched at the motion tearing her heart in two, “You… know I was joking, right?”

His eyes met hers, and the uncertainty and fear in them broke her, inside.

“Were you?”, He asked, his voice soft and low, “Were you really?”

Gasping, she took a seat beside him on the couch, drawing him into her embrace. His body was tense, wound up, afraid.

“F..Forgive me Harry”, She whispered, her hands stroking his hair, voice cracking from the weight of the emotions welling up in her, “I took it too far. I never meant to hurt you! Not now, not ever.”

He scoffed lowly, “Didn't seem that way to me.”

“I’m sorry!”, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I’ll never do this again Harry I’m so sorry.”

“Never?”, His voice was quiet, and oh so hopeful.

“Never”, she vowed.

He relaxed in her embrace, his form slumping onto hers, as she continued stroking his hair.

“Thank you”, he whispered.