
Unseeing: Fleur

Fleur pulls Harry down the bustling street of Diagon alley, towards Florean Fortescue’s Ice cream parlor, determined to get some ice cream.

Harry smiles, and reminds her that it's not going anywhere, and that she can slow down.

She turns to him, pouting lightly, and starts to berate him teasingly for not being respectful of the wonders of ice cream.

It happens in a flash.

Harry hears the harsh shout of the curse, he sees the way Fleurs eyes widen as she cuts off, a malignant purple reflected in her beautiful blue eyes.

Then, her hands impact his chest, and he finds himself being shoved harshly to the cobble streets of the alley.

Fleur’s wand comes up, but it's too late. Harry watches, as the curse breaks her forming shield, and strikes her between the eyes, sending her tumbling to the ground with a cry of pain.

He sees red. The attacker barely has time to react, to cast another spell, before he finds himself missing a decent chunk of his torso.

With a gurgling gasp, the attacker falls to the streets, dead. Harry doesn't notice though. He’s already scrambling towards Fleur.

Fleur is kneeling clutching at her eyes, blood dripping from between her fingers. Harry scrambles to her side, his wand flashing with all the diagnostics and healing spells he knows as he hugs her close.

“Harry?” She calls out as she turns to him, her hands falling from her eyes, and between the bloody, jagged cut, Harry sees them. Her beautiful blue eyes, so full of life and light, are now dull and glassy and bloodshot. “Harry… Harry I can't see!”

Bonus scene: For the Night is Dark ( a couple weeks after the incident)

“I’m sorry Fleur, I… I just can't do this anymore.”

With a cry, Fleur awakens from her nightmare, tears rolling down her face, to utter darkness. She gasps, reaching beside her for Harry, for his warmth.

The other side of the bed is empty, and cold.

“Harry? Harry?!” she cries out, fear surging through her, as she attempts to get off the bed, forgetting about the blanket wrapped about her.

With a shriek, she tumbles to the ground, pulling the rest of the blanket off the bed… and onto her. She flails about, trying to push the blanket off her to minimal success. She thinks she hears someone calling her name.

All of a sudden, the blanket is pulled away, and caring hands pull her into a warm embrace.


Fleur sobs, clutching at him, as he hugs her close, shushing her, telling her he’s right there.

Between sobs, she tells him that she thought he had left her, all alone. Softly, Harry apologizes, and says that he had gone for a glass of water. He clutches her tighter, and tells her that he’s not leaving her. Ever.

They sit there, on the ground, Fleur holding Harry tight as he gently rocked her back and forth, whispering words of comfort and love till the sun begins to rise.