
Veela Princess

Growing up Fleur's favorite book was Harry Potter and the Veela Princess. It told of Boy Who Lived who saved a veela from the lair of a basilisk because it was "the right thing to do" and only later did he find that the veela was actually the Veela Princess. For Fleur, it wasn't the childish story or the implied happily ever after (or that the Veela Princess would appear as Harry's love in later stories), but that it showed veela as more than just cold, calculating harpies that stole men from lovers and families. It showed them as brave warriors and witty friends. As leaders and as people. And most importantly for Fleur it showed the difficulties that veela faced in their daily lives through the use of the Veela Princess' handmaidens.

As Fleur got older she would continuously thank Harry Potter for introducing kids her age to the idea of veela and making the reception of her heritage much more pliant. Many of the friends she made were because they knew what she would go through and what she would face. When puberty finally arrived, she had amassed a group of friends that happily stayed around her and supported her through the difficulties.

Fleur at this point knew that it was unlikely that Harry Potter himself had written the books and that there was nothing like a Veela Princess. However the fact that he would be walking around Hogwarts while she was going to be there for the Triwizard Tournament had assuaged her worries about entering. Maybe she would be able to talk to him for a bit?