
Veela Tears

Veela tears are a highly vaunted material well known to be more dangerous and rare than phoenix tears or even basilisk venom. Veela tears are filled with the emotion they were caused by. Anger or hate create a venom so powerful no antidote has ever been attempted. Tears borne of joy can even bring back a human from the brink of death. Tears formed from love are said to even be capable of creating temporary empathy links between partners. Rumors were abundant. No one knows which is true and which isn't.

The potential of Veela tears creating a venom has caused magical society to treat them horribly. Fear jumps to any who come across them. Men's minds are at war between their incredible beauty and the potential death of coming near it. They are like suns, all men revolve around them but get too close and their life is forfeit.

Fleur had hoped, pleaded with any higher power that she would make a friend at Hogwarts. Beauxbatons had offered her none and the Triwizard Tournament offered her two schools of potential friends. Yet, none would let her come near. Fear blanketed all their faces.

She thought she'd lost the ability to cry, it had been years now since her solitude affected her. She should never have hoped Hogwarts or Durmstrang would be any different.

"Hello? I heard somebody crying? Is anyone there" A voice called out hesitantly.

"Don't come in!" Fleur responded back instantly, with hostility.

She heard shuffling and assumed the mystery boy had left.

Yet, his voice came again and this time right. next. to her.

"You know, my friend Hermione always nags me when I'm feeling down to talk about my feelings. I hate it every time, but it does feel better."

She looked up, surprised by his words, but absolutely shocked by his proximity.

There was not a single iota of fear in his expression.

She dove into his arms sobbing.