
Welcome Aboard!

This tale takes place in a universe where humanity had reached stars long ago, colonizing, crumbling, expanding and shrinking many times. Harry Potter is a scoundrel, part-time smuggler, explorer, archaeologist, generally a nosy, curious individual always on a mad adventure or similar, having made plenty of friends and just as many foes.

Right now, Harry is exploring a cave on an uninhabited planet from which he detected very unusual readings. Following a few tight squeezes between the walls, Harry finds a large cavern, obviously artificial. Though it is quite dark, his flashlight reveals a huge metal object in the middle of the cavern. After a lot of walking and observation, Harry is certain, it is a starship, a very old one, of an unfamiliar design.

He manages to find an entrance and sends a probe inside, breathing in relief. The air inside is breathable. The ship’s corridors are dark and deserted, no light is on. Walking through the ghost ship is quite unnerving, but at least there are no signs of struggle, just as there are no signs of the crew at all. After some wandering and recording his sensor measurements, he finds the ship’s bridge. It was obviously meant for a humanoid species, judging by the interior’s configuration.

Just as he touches the captain’s chair, there is a shudder and a hum running through the ship. He feels the floor vibrate and then the lights turn on. He finds himself no longer alone, another figure standing right next to him, casting no shadow.

“I am the V.I.L.A. of this ship. You may call me Fleur. Welcome aboard, captain.”

Continuation by Arnie1701

Harry stumbled backwards and landed on his butt. What he was looking at appeared to be a hologram of a human female, surprisingly quite beautiful.

"What are you?" Harry asked as his hand rested on the grip of his hand blaster. "Where did you come from?"

With an imitated sigh, the hologram pinched the bridge of her nose before she spoke, "As I said before, Captain, I am the V.I.L.A. of this ship. Or; more precisely, Variable Integrated Leadership Assistant. My name is Fleur."

"How long have you been here, Fleur?" Asked Harry as he looked around the bridge.

"I do not know, Captain. A long time, it seems. My core memory systems were damaged when I crashed here," the V.I.L.A. replied. "If you do not like this form; Captain, perhaps you would prefer this one?"

The hologram briefly de-rezzed before Harry heard the sound of a door opening. Stepping onto the bridge was a human female figure of about 17 years of age with silver bright hair and cerulean blue eyes and a stunning figure. The figure extended her hand and spoke, "Hello, Captain. I'm Fleur. Your V.I.L.A."

Harry smiled, took her hand and shook it, "I'm Harry James Potter."