
What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

When people die, their spirit is moved to a spectral realm, a twisted reflection of our world. There they are collected by reapers and sent off. Some spirits naturally welcome departing to the great unknown, yet others try to cling t their previous life and flee the reapers. Most are caught, but the exceptional ones persevere and manage to return to our world. Be they bitter ghosts or vengeful poltergeists, they have one thing in common, fear of the unknown. When Voldemort was defeated by an unknown variable after murdering the Potter parents, he proved too resourceful, canny, powerful and stubborn to just be harvested by a reaper and his spectre quickly found its way into the world of the living again. Voldemort was many things, among others he was well aware of how Dumbledore’s mind worked. The man was entirely too proud of his own cleverness and loved solving puzzles. Well, Voldemort arranged to have some puzzles for him. Alluded to by cryptic rumours, Voldemort hid several highly cursed artefacts surrounded by deadly traps, all in the effort to divert Dumbledore’s attention.Harry’s adventures proceed as normal, after suffering at the Dursleys he braved years at Hogwarts, coming to face Voldemort several times as the Dark Lord attempted to regain a real body. At the end of the Triwizard Tournament, The Dark Lord Voldemort boldly walked on this Earth once again. Quickly he departed and proceeded to gather followers and strength, sending his Death Eaters on missions all around the world. Covert assassinations, overt devastation, subversion of important figures, all that and more his followers achieved in his name. Yet opposition arose, seeking retribution for the atrocities committed, Harry Potter, seeking to put a final end to his parents’ murderer, Fleur Delacour, a survivor of the Veela Scourging, incited by the Dark Lord in a bid for an Anathema ritual, Viktor Krum, one of the only remaining witnessed to the Desolation of Durmstrang after the students there refused to accept Voldemort into their minds and souls. These three Avengers are brought together in their quest. Yet an alliance united in hatred is often fragile, these three disparate personalities must work together to overcome what is slowly ceasing to be a mere wizard and becoming a fledgeling Dark God. What alliances will they make, what deals will they strike. What are they willing to sacrifice?