
What Have You Done, Tom?

Even though Albus Dumbledore did not expect to find Tom's horcrux effortlessly, he most definitely had not anticipated the search to be so long and arduous.

Yet this was necessary. Not just to put an end to the senseless violence ocurring day in and day out, but to create a better future for wizarding Britain. You see, Albus was someone who deeply cared for his students and work colleagues, and to see them in pain was something he was decided to put and end to. Specially those whom he had an especial relation with, such as Harry or Severus.

Unperturbed, he dove in the cold waters and swam towards the ominous cave. There would be nothing to stand in his way. Certainly, not mere cold water.

When he reached the cave, he sensed malicious magic all around him, and, for once in some time, a victorious, grim smile appeared across his face. He had been right to come here.

He made his way through the dreary place, only hearing water drops fall. The cave felt oppressive, as if the air had weight. And the magic around him had turned even more malevolent. Tuning his senses, he even noticed there was an undertone to the magic he couldn't quite decipher. It felt... ancient. Deep. And powerful. Very powerful. And it was something that made Albus restless.

But he continued to move forward, as there was no way he wouldn't; until he came across a dead end. A frown marred Albus' face. And then, recognition.

"Yes", he mused. "Yes, yes. This is it." A glimmer of satisfaction shone upon Albus' face.

As he somewhat eagerly touched the wall, he sighed. "Oh, Tom. Can't you see there are more debilitating things than physical pain?"

Abruptly, he muttered a quick diffindo upon his hand and blood fell to the ground. And... as Albus was about to touch the wall, he heard something that made his blood ran cold.

A chilling laughter. Some noise behind him.

And then he saw him. Voldemort. And he seemed pleased. Very pleased. But why?

Albus didn't understand. And that frightened him.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared down around him, and for the first time in his life, he saw a peaceful smile appear across his face.

"You are a fool, Albus Dumbledore. You have just been caught in my trap!" He said, his red eyes shining in wicked glee.

"Tom-" Albus started to say, but he knew it would be futile. The magic circle had activated. There wasn't anything Albus could do to get himself out of it.

When Albus opened his eyes again, he most certainly didn't expect to be in a castle. And even less being surrounded by people in armor or medieval dresses.

"Who are you, old man?!" He heard a crowned, fat man say.

Albus was so shocked he didn't answer his question.

"Tell me, you old fart!!!" The fat man with a crown sputtered angrily. "How have you appeared here in my castle, here, in the middle of King's Landing??"

As Albus heard those words, he felt himself falter.

"Oh, dear" Albus murmured. "What have you done, Tom?"