
When Fleur Met Harry

Little emerald green eyes gazed into little cerulean blue eyes...

Little Fleur spoke the words that would define a lifetime, "'e's so CUTE! I love 'im!"

"Zhat boy of yours will be a lady killler, Lily," Apolline spoke with a laugh. "Merde, whiz zhose eyes..."

Lily Potter just smiled at one of her best friends, Apolline Delacour. "I think that'll be a problem for the other girls, though...looks like Fleur just claimed him.

Meanwhile, Jean-Luc Delacour and James Potter stood watching the entire scene. Jean-Luc then laughed, "Marriage contraact, Mon Ami?"

James suddenly shuddered, "Merlin, if Lily and Apolline overheard us, our bodies will never be found..."
