
When Good People Go to War

Thorfinn Rowle awoke sitting in a chair in a dark room. Before he could regain his bearing and recall how he got wherever he was, the door in front of him opened and an impossibly beautiful woman entered, tall, willowy, with flowing locks of glowing silvery hair, sharp cheekbones and penetrating sky blue eyes. Her movement were graceful and when her smile hit him like a pickaxe to the temple.

The Goddess come to Earth approached him and stoked his cheek with an elegant finger, her nail filed to a point.

“’Ello, monsieur Rowle.” Her purring, accented voice sent shivers down his spine and his trousers felt uncomfortably tight. Was she glowing? Of course she was.

“I ‘ave been looking forward to meeting you.” Her whispered pronouncement brought a goofy smile to his face.

“Do you know what would impress me?” The Goddess whispered in his ear. He shook his head desperately. He needed to know!

“I want you to tell me what you know.” Now the Goddess stood in front of him, her gaze seemingly spearing his mind. “Tell me the names of your colleagues.”

And so Thorfinn spoke. It was so easy, he would do anything to please the Goddess who chose him to pay her personal attention to. He named his fellow Death Eaters, where they lived. He spilled the secrets of their initiation. For one more smile and a nod, he went into detail of their activities. How Severus Snape provided addresses of muggleborns, especially girls, how Lucius helped smooth the ruffled feathers at the ministry when the girls went missing. How Dolohov and Macnair ambushed and slaughtered Remus Lupin while Pettigrew led a raid on the Weasley home, guiding the Lestranges there. For half and hour he spoke, until he finally ran out of secrets.

His Goddess smiled sweetly at him, once again caressing his cheek. “Thank you. Wait here, I will return and bring my friend too. You deserve a reward.” Thorfinn shook with anticipation as he watched her leave the room. Outside, Fleur turned to Harry. “Do you ‘ave everything?”

Harry nodded with a stony face. “Yes. He’s worthless to us now. We can’t afford keeping him alive.”

And so Fleur and Harry entered the room, greeted by the drooling Death Eater. Harry, with a jab of his curved, Blackthorn wand pierced Thorfinn’s left eye and brain.

Harry took out his charmed mirror and pressed one of the runes at the edge. A multitude of scarred, hardened faces appeared, looking expectantly at him.

“We have new targets.”