
Why Him?

Throughout Harry’s fifth year, as the events as Hogwarts are occurring, Bill weasley has been trying to get Fleur Delacour to go out with him. Time and again, she has turned him down. Initially, he took it in stride. After nearly six months, it grates on him every time she turns him down. One day he snaps, corners her after their shifts at Gringotts end, and demands to know why she keeps turning him down, and how he can improve himself so that she agrees to go out with him. Fleur replies that while he is a nice person, she doesn't think he’s the guy for her, and that she’s already with someone anyway. Bill blinks in surprise, not expecting such a polite reply. He then asks her who she’s going out with. Fleur counters that it should be none of his concern, but says that she’ll tell him anyway: Harry Potter. Bill gapes and splutters, astounded at the reply, asks her why she would pick him. Despite how much he likes Harry, he doesn't understand why she would pick the scrawny teen over a handsome young man like himself. Fleur smiles wickedly, and he begins to sweat. She takes them to a bar, orders Bill a drink, despite his protests and tells him, in no uncertain terms, why she would pick Harry over him any day. And she doesn't pull her punches. Bill would end up needing that drink. And the eight others he had afterwards.