
World of Warcraft

Disclaimer: for the sake of this prompt, the books take place in around 2010 or something.

Everyone knew of the Greengrass family. Oh, they weren't the Malfoys and would likely never be, but everyone knew the Greengrass family: blood purists, traditionalists, aristocrats.

Daphne had grown up with that ideology and soaked it up. She couldn't imagine living without magic and did not particularly approve of the mugglefication of many magical traditions. She was worried about the decline of true pureblood families and the rise of muggle-borns and half-bloods at Hogwarts.

However, she could not deny that some things muggle had caught her attention something fierce. It was shameful, embarrassing and no one could ever know and yet, she had taken to it like a Snitch to the sky.

And it was all Harry Potter's fault. Or maybe not all of it. Most of it was that dimwitted Care teacher's fault. Which teacher had ever made them do group work with a partner? Which teacher had ever pared a Slytherin with a Gryffindor?

She scowled and ranted and raved in her head but when she stepped through that door, saw Harry already sitting at a com-pu-ter and saw his face light up brilliantly at the sight of her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes with a smile of her own.


"Hey," he greeted her, his eyes lingering longer on her than what would be considered friendly. "I already paid for your time."

"I can pay for myself, thank you very much. Though it is appreciated."

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I think we are ready to run Maraudon in Desolace. It's a level 45-52 dungeon..."

Daphne listened with rapt attention, eager to slay a horde of monsters with her Night Elf hunter.

Or: During their summer hols, Daphne and Harry meet secretly in internet cafes, so Daphne can play World of Warcraft (or LoL, DotA, etc).

(A prompt I saw on reddit that I thought looked fun xD but I'm not too sure in my current writing abilities to ... well write something like this xD ... plus I don't play many MMORPG's sadly xD .... unless you count KOTOR...anyway have fun xD)