
Author Spotlight: Ajjaxx

When asked about his philosophy in regard to composition, Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page coined the phrase “light and shade” to describe the contrast of tones in his music. Ajaxx exemplifies this ideal perfectly; when he delves into the dark themes of infidelity, loneliness, grief, and weakness, he brings illumination through beautiful prose and sharp humor. When he reaches for more tender, lighthearted moments, they are colored by a humanness and reality that breathe life to a genre that has its fair share of tired tropes. When you read an Ajaxx work, you will feel the tingling excitement of a fresh romance. You will feel the dull, bitter, ache that accompanies an unwelcome truth. And you will feel the spark that buzzes, urges you to keep reading with bated breath. In a community of fanfiction writers, his ability to weave compelling fiction, period, to guide his readers on a genuine emotional experience, is unmatched.

A Dream of Spring


Why did she keep coming back? That was a question Fleur Delacour could never truly answer. Harry Potter had been dead for four years, the ink had dried, and her love was lost. Now, all she could cling to was a hope that love could transcend even death.

A Different Kind of War


The world was seldom just; few people knew this better than Harry Potter. He returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, a mentor withers, a darkness rises and at the centre of it all, an engaged witch. Harry must reconcile the demands of the war while the weight of an unfair world bears down upon him.

Empires Felled


Grindelwald casts a dark shadow over Europe, a pestilence that covers entire countries in mud and ash. Battered and broken, the withered magical French Resistance seeks to topple an empire and return freedom. Seeing their struggle, Lieutenant Harry Potter is sent across the channel to unite them under a single banner with the elusive resistance leader, the Firebird.



Wings waxed and weathered, oh take to the sky. Pride and feather, a most grievous fall—be mine, be mine.



Mending the wounds of war was complicated, family life even more so. It is time for Harry Potter to reconcile the two and tell a story, even if it doesn't quite make sense.

Different Roads


"It's funny… sometimes, different roads lead people to the same place."

We asked Ajjaxx some questions about their experience in and outside of the community

Favorite Ship

Harry/Abigail (GYWM)

Favorite Color

Favorite Scene Written

Harry and Fleur coming to terms with their feelings

Favorite Scene Read

The entirety of Chapter 18 of GYWM

Favorite Scene Read Outside Fanfiction

The opening of Coraline by Neil Gaiman. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons are real, but that they can be beaten.”

Reason for Writing

To hopefully help others make sense of feelings too big to be felt, and events to large to make sense of. To help others feel something and come away with a different perspective, to give others enjoyment and to perhaps give the lessons I needed to hear most, in hopes that someone that needs them, does.

Desire for Readers

That love and evil, happiness and pain aren’t abstract concepts on the page. They’re features of what makes us, us. Perhaps we’re all capable of evil, but we’re also all capable of incredible kindness and through the medium of literature, I hope you find your happiness—your spark, and learn more about the world, and yourself.
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