
Author Spotlight: Arms of Atlas

ArmsofAtlas has taken our little slice of the world by storm! Coming in strong with Dancing in the Rain, his unique take on magic captivates us

A Cure for Apathy

Arms of Atlas

How far will a distraught hero go to rid himself of a Dark Lord's curse? Living in fear, dabbling in untested magics, and facing the consequences of making too many wrong choices, how lost will Harry become in his journey to freedom from the demon in his head? More importantly, who can help him find his way back?

We asked Arms of Atlas some questions about their experience in and outside of the community

Favorite Ship

Harry/Fleur and Harmony

Favorite Color

Favorite Scene Written

Harry and Dumbledore conversation in Dancing in the Rain

Favorite Scene Read

Harry and Fleur first kiss in When a Veela Cries by E.C. Scrubb

Favorite Scene Read Outside Fanfiction

Winter's Tale, the whole thing, all the scenes

Reason for Writing

It keeps my brain from withering into mush

Desire for Readers

I want readers to feel as if they had a brush with true magic, and hopefully relate to my characters in an impactful way
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