
Author Spotlight: Charlennette

There are people that in very little time can become a central part of a community by their sheer talent and presence, and Charlennette is certainly one of those. An incredibly talented individual with a gift for not only beautiful prose, but for breathing life into characters, making them feel alive and their problems weighty, who writes about life.

The good, the bad, the complicated.

Every story holds insight into moral and social issues for anyone interested in digging into them, all of it wrapped in a beautiful indigo packaging that will be more than enough for less discerning readers.

Aside from the FF side of things, a kind, smart and understanding person, always there to lend an ear to those who need it, strong to best issues some of us are not even aware are a problem, and a deeply romantic individual. A trait that certainly bleeds into her writing, and for which a lot of us love it.

To try and choose a favourite story or theme would make this less of an introduction to a spotlight and more of a spotlight in itself, as I'm sure I could not chose, so I'll only say this: don't do yourself the disservice of skipping this author, all of her work is of the highest quality.

Charlennette came into the flowerpot server as a reader only, and in some six months she had surpassed us all, so go read her.

My absolutely unbiased introduction ends here.

-- DavidTheAthenai

A Different Kind of Bird


[Parody] Confronted with the daunting threat of a fight looming over the Potter home, Harry must prepare for the inevitable confrontation. With an enigmatic French beauty by his side, he soon learns that matters of the fist and of the heart are of equal difficulty.

Negotiations with the french


Harry is on the single most important diplomatic mission of his young life, meeting Fleur's father.

Negotiations with the French


Harry is on the single most important diplomatic mission of his young life, meeting Fleur's father.

Stuttering Hearts and Quickening Strings


What is left when words fail and pride crumbles? - A journey in five parts.

A Lily By Any Other Name


A young woman's search for answers and acceptance from two different families.

The Purpose of Wings


The war may be over but Harry's fight continues. Caught between the duties of a war hero and fatherhood, Harry realizes that change demands sacrifice and the price may be more than he can bear. A story about the strength of family against intrigue, bigotry, plotting, and politics.

We asked Charlennette some questions about their experience in and outside of the community

Favorite Ship


Favorite Color

Favorite Scene Written

the graveyard scene in A Lily By Any Other Name where Fleur, on the night of her hen night, goes to visit the grave of Harry's parents to introduce herself. I think it hit just the right melancholic love notes that I appreciate in a story. It was a proud feeling for me. Then I got to create symnetry with it in The Purpose of Wings when Liliana Jaime Potter visits her grandparent's grave and has a similar experience.

Favorite Scene Read

If HarryxGinny scenes are ok then the scene in Slumbering Giants by Suite Sambo where Harry takes Albus to visit Dumbledore's grave in Hogwarts during a Memorial. He explains to his child why he named his son the way he did (and is the best explanation in my opinion for a name most fanon seems to dislike). For HarryxFleur - probably the scene in Hope and Healing where Harry gives Fleur a ribbon.

Favorite Scene Read Outside Fanfiction

Classic Romance: The scene in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen where Elizabeth and the Gardners visit Pemberley and Darcy shows up unexpectedly. I swoon everytime. Contemporary Romance: In Rising Tides by Nora Roberts, Ethan proposes to Grace in such a perfect way. Grace is this sweet, hard-working single mother with a young daughter. Ethan is this tortured soul that has loved her from afar all his life and asks her to allow him to be her husband and her daughter's father. I can't do it justice but dang, it hits like a ton of bricks.

Reason for Writing

I just wanted to beta and then you goobers roped me into it.

Desire for Readers

To allow themselves to be challenged by what they read. Stories can offer so much more if you let them.
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