
Author Spotlight: JusticeRings

When you read Lonely Letters, it's clear there's something special about the tone of the fic. Until you speak to JusticeRings, it's not obvious what that is.

His origin in FanFiction is like many, read everything that exists at the time he found it (2018), didn't find exactly what he was looking for and ended up writing 40,000 words in three days.

Eventually, he came to realize how much his touching relationship with his wife influenced his fic.

And so, without further ado, we provide The Lonely Letters! JusticeRings finest work.

The Lonely Letters


Harry has been alone his entire life, Dudley had made sure of that. On the brink of heading off into a whole new world, Harry finds himself scared he always will be alone. He writes a letter, more for himself than anything. Then Hedwig takes it upon herself to deliver it to someone just as alone as him.

We asked JusticeRings some questions about their experience in and outside of the community

Favorite Ship


Favorite Color

Favorite Scene Written

The first letters between Harry and Fleur

Favorite Scene Read

His Angel when Harry wakes up in the hospital with Fleur cuddled up to him and he is groping her

Favorite Scene Read Outside Fanfiction

Stranger in a strange land has a scene where a character, Jubal, explains Rodan statues to another character. The story telling that goes into every line in the face of the little mermaid statue

Reason for Writing

To remind myself about the romance of my own life

Desire for Readers

I want readers to feel like they disserve to be loved. To feel a small part of what I feel and strive to find it for themselves.
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