

Their gazes met. As her silvery blond hair fell around them, a curtain, blocking them off from the world, she stared shamelessly, drinking in every facet of his face. That head of messy, raven locks, that she just longed to run her fingers through, having spent hours fantasizing about the feeling. That handsome face, with its roguish charm and that strong jaw framing those perfect lips. And his eyes, gods his eyes. Emerald eyes stared back at her, exuding a strength beyond their years, hardened by what they had seen, yet so warm, so caring. Who could have blamed her for getting lost in them?

Harry Potter was a treat, and she planned to indulge.

Her hand rested against his strong chest, and she could feel the toned muscles through the thin red shirt he wore. She leaned on her elbow, the grass crunching beneath her skin as they lay on the hill where she’d fallen onto him.

Fleur Delacour gasped dramatically as she jerked back slightly, her full lips parting as she went through the motions of attempting to get off him, her hips grinding against his body as she squirmed. “Merde! I fell on top of you! Eet was an absolute accident!” She said, her voice soft, as she licked her lips salaciously, her head beginning to drop, ever so slowly, “Zat’s why my hand is on your chest and my lips are parted! I swear!”

Harry’s eyes widened, and his head lifted from the grass, his lips approaching hers. Internally, Fleur smirked in triumph. She had been dropping hints for a while now, each less subtle than the last, but she had gotten nowhere. Not this time, though. There was no way he was missing this, none at

He smiled warmly at her, and she swore she felt her heart skip a beat. He had no right to be that cute.

“No problem! It happens,” he said, and Fleur felt her jaw drop. Concern laced his tone, as he continued, “Are you okay? Do you need any help?” “Wh- n- ,” she stuttered, barely comprehending. “Ah! I’ll take you to the Hospital wing,” He said, pushing himself up on his elbows, She followed suit mechanically, sitting up in his lap.

“Fuck,” the word slipped from her lips, barely remembered, as she reeled in defeat. He… hadn't gotten it?

Just how dense was this guy?

Harry stared at her, his green eyes brimming with concern, “Seriously, Fleur! You do not want to see Madame Pomfrey after avoiding an injury. It's even worse!”