
Clockwork Darkness

Harry had promised himself he would never use it again.

He’d hidden it, buried it away in a place so protected no one would ever stumble upon it.

But they had been ripped away from him.

Fleur and Victorie. The light to his darkness. The light to his light.

How could he ever live on, when he knew there was a way to fix this?

But would they still be the same people?

Would it be worth reliving everything all over again?

He took it out of the battered wooden box, reverently touching it, feeling the familiar edges. Tracing the runes edged into the metallic surface with his calloused fingers.

Turning it around in his hands, he sees it. The same text, written as neatly as the first time he read it so long ago.

Do you want to try again?

With a tiny lever, under which is written neatly in the same cursive font.


// It’s a device Harry has had since he found it at Hogwarts, it works like a time loop, so when he pushes the leaver he goes back to the first time he pushed it, during his 6th year at Hogwarts. So he will have to relive the war, defeat Voldemort, Horcruxes and all…

But what if someone close to him dies etc etc. Also all the memories Fleur had of him will be gone, and they will not be together. Just an idea that has been kicking my brain.