
The Duck Side

Harry blearily opened his eyes to the sight of Voldemort, newly resurrected and empowered.

Surrounding them were the laughing and mocking masked Death Eaters. Hateful bastards, the lot of them.

The sound of quacking could be heard nearby. They call to him. "Join us," they say.

The dark lord heard them not, and thus, he basked in the revelry of his followers celebrating his return.

"Ah, Harry, back amongst us, I see," said the noseless wonder.

"I was planning to kill you, but I'm in such a good mood now. I will make you a one-time offer."

"What?" rasped Harry.

"Join me. Join the Dark Lord. We will rule the world, all of us!"

There was a tense silence.

A silence broken by the sound of a duck's quack somewhere.

Then another sound took over. It took a moment for it to become clear. But Harry was chuckling. It continued, and eventually became full blown laughter. Maybe Voldemort went a little overboard with the crucios just now.

"Oh, Tom..." said Harry, wiping a tear from his eye, "So, you're offering me, after murdering my parents, having my parents' betrayer tie me up, torture me, and cut me open, after killing my friend, the opportunity to join the dark side? Forego the Light?"

"Yes," came the sibilant reply, but Voldemort's eyes were filled with doubt. Something was up with the boy.

Also, did he call him Tom???

"You should know, sir," started Harry in a slow manner, "I haven't been part of the Light for some time now."

Voldemort's eyes lit up with interest. This was news!

"But I will not join the Dark either. And no, I'm not Grey, just so you know..."

This made the bald man frown, "Well, what side are you on, then? Your own?"

Harry stared silently for a long time. A near full minute, enough that Death Eaters behind were shuffling nervously.

"Much worse, Tom," said Harry, to the building crescendo of quacking in the graveyard, "I've joined...the Duck Side."